Confinement Nanny

Confinement Agency vs. Confinement Nanny: Which to Choose?


Undoubtedly, delivery is arduous and may take its toll on a mother’s body. After childbirth, most mothers in Asia and Southeast Asia observe the confinement period, a customary practice. The confinement phase is a time for women to recover and revitalise to restore their health and bond with their newborns. In accordance with conventional customs, the mother-in-law or an elder relative aids with the confinement at home. Modern confinement techniques include hiring a confinement woman or going to a confinement centre in Singapore.

Need help deciding which choice to select? Here are some factors to consider when making a selection.


In most confinement centres, a full confinement meal is prepared in specialised kitchens by skilled chefs. As great thought is given to the creation of the confinement menu, you can be confident that you will receive nutritious meals with well-chosen components to help in your recovery. However, if you have a specific diet, certain confinement facilities may not be able to accommodate you because the food is made in large quantities.

While a confinement lady is expected to make your meals, you will still be responsible for preparing the essential components. This means someone in your home will be responsible for procuring these basic components. If you have dietary restrictions, a confinement lady may be a more flexible alternative because she can tailor her cuisine to your preferences.

Infant Care

Typically, a confinement woman will stay in the same room as your infant to assist with nighttime feedings and soothing the infant after each feeding. Additionally, they will wash your infant and change soiled diapers. According to traditional beliefs, women should avoid contact with water during the confinement phase. However, confinement ladies are typically not properly educated, and their procedures generally are based only on personal experience.

In respectable confinement centres, newborns are often cared after by certified nurses. Some confinement facilities even offer weekly visits from a physician to check on your child. This is especially useful if your infant develops jaundice and requires further monitoring. Having a team of individuals monitor your kid is also advantageous, as we all know that caring for a newborn can be taxing and daunting for a single individual.


In a confinement facility, you will not be responsible for housekeeping. Most confinement facilities supply uniforms and clothing, so you need not bother about dirty laundry. Thus, you may concentrate on your recovery without being distracted by housework.

On the other hand, there are certain confinement ladies who perform basic tasks such as kitchen cleaning and baby’s clothing washing. You and your partner will be responsible for all other home duties.


A confinement lady might be an excellent confidante who is always available. However, not all confinement ladies have received the training necessary to help a mother’s postnatal requirements, mainly if she is nursing. We’ve all heard horror stories of confinement women who insist on exclusively bottle-feeding and overfeeding the infant or those who inflict further distress by engaging in actions that agitate an already distressed mother.

Confinement centres, on the other hand, often contain a panel of specialists from whom you may get assistance on maternal health, paediatrics, breastfeeding, and infant care. With the aid of specialists from many sectors and an evidence-based approach, you can begin your parenting journey easily.

Leisure & Social

Initially, traditional confinement procedures can be quite solitary and lonely. You can participate in yoga, massage, and other activities and classes in a confinement centre. It’s also a simple method to connect with other mothers whose children are the same age!

Any activities you desire to attend during your confinement at home with a confinement lady may involve additional expenses. You will also be responsible for arranging these events independently, and you may need to travel to attend. Finding a community of other mothers may be more difficult when you are on your own.

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